Contact Information

Home: 308-895-2281

Phil Cell: 308-737-1500





The “A” Team

Phils office

Developing the “A” team is paramount in building a great management crew. This team is developed from various professionals.

For our feed rations and supplements, we use Purina, who has is dedicated to research in nutritional needs. Mike Langan, with Farm Credit Services, provides excellent financial advice. Kyle Gifford, Gifford & Cox LLC, does our tax planning. Brent Hauxwell, Hauxwell Consulting, supplies us with all of our agronomy work and recommendations. Mike Skolout, Farm Credit Services, handles all of our crop insurance needs. Brian Holder, Pinion Ag advisors, gives us marketing advice. Waid Vontz, GTA Insurance, keeps tabs on our farm and vehicle insurance. Dr Wayne Watkins DVM, Red Willow Animal Clinic, helps us with herd health.

Janice keeps the books, separating our costs by entity, payroll, and health insurance. There are also many very good people we work with; seed selection, chemical purchases, fuel contracts, cattle buyers, parts retailers, and general suppliers. Communication through cell phones have become a necessity instead of a luxury as good communication is paramount to stay in touch with the “A” Team.

Good Shepherd

The land we own is placed in an LLC we named “Good Shepherd.” The farms we rent therefore involve eight additional farms. Each farm for instance varies in size from a quarter section to four sections. Then on each farm, all inputs, yields, and soil samples are kept separate on each field of every farm. Our local elevator then has accounts and splits for each farm with the same number as the Farm Service Agency. By doing this, it becomes easier to generate the proof of yield reports for instance.

All of our farms are split by fields to where we have wheat, corn and fallow in rotation. This rotation is beneficial in share crop lease, so the landlord always has two crops to market each year. Then we report all yields and planting dates to the insurance team and the Farm Service Agency. Therefore, in the event of a crop loss, payments are generated from these averages. As a result, we pride ourselves in maintaining high averages with minimal crop losses. 

More About Us

So, more about us as we are being affected by numerous changes in the demand for agricultural products. For instance, rising costs of production, rapid advances in agricultural production technology, and uncertain world and government policies. Ultimately, these changes and other issues facing our occupation are often complex and management strategies and practices must keep pace. Therefore, we can meet these challenges with our management team, making our goals attainable.

Furthermore, our shop is kept clean and tool and parts stored in a specific place so we are not having to spend time looking for what we need. So with time management we become more productive and can accomplish numerous tasks with less effort. Time management facilitates reduction in wasted time and effort. Therefore, it provides us with more productive time throughout the day. Then a list of things to do help the crew know what tasks are foremost and updated constantly. Whatever time allows; whether it is a day for an inside job or outside job; everyone knows what needs to be done.

In the Office

Back in the office, Janice continually works at the farm books teaming up with Gifford & Cox. Her time is also shared as the secretary/treasurer for Trinity Lutheran Cemetery board and a board member of Habitat For Humanity.

On my commitments, I am an elder at Peace Lutheran Church and the president for Trinity Lutheran Cemetery board. Additionally I serve as a member of the Red Willow County Farm Bureau, Farm Bureau State Legislative Policy Committee, Board of Director at Farm Credit Services of America, and the Vice Chairman of the Red Willow County Zoning board.

In conclusion, there is always time for the things that are important in life. For instance time with family and our dedication to serving our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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