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You are “Here”

Look For The Sign

If you have ever been to an amusement park, a zoo, or large shopping mall, you might have wondered where you are going. If you are like me, I would look for an information sign with a map on it. I look for the arrow that says, “you are here”. This map will show me where I’ve been, where I might be going, and most importantly these words will confirm where I am, at that given moment. Have you ever thought about the fact that all of us are exactly where we’re supposed to be right now?

This is true of the neighborhood you live in, the place you work, and the activities you are involved in. You might be inclined to say, “if I could just change this or that….” But we can’t. Thousands of moments led you to this point. Hundreds of decisions and actions. Millions of tiny thoughts, mistakes and blessings have brought you here. And here is good. Thoughts might become; “so what is so good about it?” No matter what route your life has taken to this place you are at right now, God has brought you here for a purpose.

What is My Purpose?

Psalm 57:2 says, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” This is key in understanding God’s purpose for our life. He not only has our days numbered but has and will fulfill that purpose in our life. How we got to this point is different for each of us. Where we go from here does not have to be. We must be prayerfully attentive to the direction God has for us. When we follow God’s will and live according to His divine plan, our perspective shifts. Our vision expands.

We begin to look at life not in terms of what we can do, but what God can do through us. God is shaping our lives serve others and allowing you and I to be served at the same time when He is working through us. However, we often act as if we are inadequate to the task. We come up with excuses, have shallow justifications or are afraid to make a commitment. What we must understand about God is that He knows what we can accomplish. We are more than capable of handling the task and God knows it.

Show Me The Way

Our job is to be willing to ask, “God what can you do through me?” or “What do I have to offer?”  God’s answer isn’t based on the quality of our talents, gifts, or opportunities. Our task is to accept that God is looking for those who are faithful and obedient. He does and will apply our gifts, but it’s our willingness to serve that God uses more than anything else. God will qualify the servant; all we need to do is ask what direction we must go from “here”.

Lord, show me how I can serve you and others. In You, I place my trust to give me the direction I must go. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

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