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Monthly Devotion

Chew on This

Like a Cow Chewing Her Cud

Chew on this for a moment! Chewing on thoughts and ruminating on ideas consumes a large part of my day. It might be in the middle of the night, while driving, or anytime in between. Over and over again my mind processes one thought after another. Kind of like a cow chewing her cud. Chew, chomp, swallow, bring it back up and chew some more.

It could be something I did, was going to do, or something I failed to do. Then there is the daily stress of life, whether it’s work, an event, or a relationship, constantly attempting to distract me and fill my mind with fear, doubt, or anxiety. Of course, I can’t forget a great deal of joyous thoughts. There are just too many ways to count, how my mind will chew its way into uncharted territories.

Chewing on God’s Word

The Bible describes how many ways my mind will drift; a troubled mind (2 Kings 6:11), a depraved mind (1 Timothy 6:5), a sinful mind (Romans 8:5), a dull mind (2 Corinthians 3:14), a blinded mind (2 Corinthians 4:4), or a corrupt mind (2 Timothy 3:8). Oh, there are so many directions my mind can go. It seems there is no escaping what I may chew on next.

Unfortunately, allowing my mind to drift into captivity of the evil one is part of that reality. No, he cannot see what is on my mind, but he can pour fuel on the flames of my actions. This is what concerned Apostle Paul when he wrote to the Corinthians, “We can take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5). I need to corral my thoughts and continually work on this posture to help me through adverse rumination.

Set Your Mind On Christ

As I chew on a thought I need to remember, the tempter only needs cooperation from the one chewing. That is why I continually need to set my mind on Christ. I know it is easier said than done, but Paul encourages all of us in Romans 8:5, “Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”  Whether it is a temptation or not, while chewing, I should invite the Holy Spirit as my guide. Recognizing that there are times when my mind will go astray.

It starts with praying to God for wisdom. Filling my heart and mind with the truth of God’s Word. Ultimately, with the intention of strengthening my positive thinking. With the help of God, I can work on the discipline of what I am chewing on. It will take intentional effort to train my mind to seek God for help in the midst of my good thoughts through the most challenging ones. But oh, how it will be worth it when the fruits of Godliness spring up within my soul. All the more reason to take the time to reflect on God’s Word. Using Scripture and prayer to help align what I chew on, with Christ… each day.

Lord, help keep my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger

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Angry Birds

Angry Birds Video Game

Angry Birds! An interesting title to an addictive video game. This game can be played for hours on your phone or electronic device. Believe me, I know. Apparently, the birds in this game are angry because the pigs must have stolen their eggs. The objective of the game then becomes to eliminate all the pigs in each level. Using a slingshot, players launch various birds through the air with the goal of either striking the enemy pigs directly or damaging their surrounding structures. Thus, causing the blocks to collapse and “pop” the pigs.

Anger Sets In

For those of you who have not been introduced to this game, I’m sure it sounds quite bizarre. To the rest of us, anger is the only remedy for deletion. Angry because way too much time has been invested in launching angry birds. However, this is only trivial when it comes to anger in daily living. Are you someone who gets angry in traffic? Do you throw a conniption fit watching your favorite sports team lose? Is there yelling, cold tensions, and harsh words spoken in the home? Minor irritations can become major issues. Sad can turn into mad.

The Devil Works Through Anger

We are told in Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. The Lord makes it clear that we will get angry in life. But in that anger, we don’t have to give in to sin. We can take whatever ignited our anger to God. Make sure that at the end of the day we do not give “the devil a foothold” from the result of our anger. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us before our heart and mind have a chance to turn to anger, turn all the attention to the obedience of Christ.

Let God Help

During that moment, we can choose what we are going to think and dwell on. We can continue to fuel our angry emotions with wrong thoughts…or we can take a stand and, with God’s help, refuse to allow the situation to get out of control. In James 1:19-20 we learn, “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” James basically tells us the same thing. That we must curb our anger by filling our hearts and minds with the righteousness of God.

I know it might be easier said than done sometimes. Especially if that enemy the pig steals your eggs. This is why Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:44, “But I say, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” The sun is going to rise on the good and bad. Rain is going to fall on the just and unjust. The key is how you react. God wants us to turn from sad to glad with His righteousness. Why should, metaphorically speaking, an “angry bird and a pig” get in the way of that?

Dear Lord, help me let go of my anger and place it into your hands. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger

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Don’t Step on The Crack

Leap Over The Cracks

Don’t step on the crack or you’ll break your mother’s back. Did you play that game when you were young? I know I did. I also must admit it still crosses my mind once in a while when I walk down the sidewalk, looking at the cracks. I’m not sure where that game originated, but from what I recall it had nothing to do with believing it actually hurt your mother. Did the crack represent something bad? If you stepped on a crack, did you lose the game? Or was it just a good excuse to jump over a crack? Regardless, it was an innocent way to recognize a make-believe danger to hop over.

Cracks In My life

Typically, cracks are not good. Whether it’s in your windshield, foundation, or yes even the sidewalk. Cracks often show up in our lives as well. New Year’s resolutions are beginning to crack. Various worldly events or circumstances are creating cracks. It might be losing a job, stressed finances, health problems, or a number of other things. If I could, I would leap right over all of those cracks.

Crack Repair/Trust in God

Well, the Apostle Paul tells me I can, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (1 Corinthians 5:7). I often see just the cracks; by faith I must see an opportunity to trust God. Even though I may not see God working in and through the cracks in my life… it is by faith I know that God is in control and I gain the assurance that He is protecting me and looking out for me. I also know that with faith I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). Through faith, I know I have the gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). By faith I know I can place my trust in the Lord (Hebrews 11). Nourishing faith with scripture I can learn many ways He is looking out for me and how to place my trust only in Him.

It Takes Work

But I need to continually work on strengthening my faith, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Corinthians 10:12). As soon as I think the armor of God will protect me from all the forces of the evil one, the end of my toe catches one of those cracks. Have you done that before? Stumbling down the walk, wondering “why did I not see that coming?” If only I would have leaped over that crack. I must never assume that I am beyond sinning, that temptation could not touch me, that I could not stumble in some way. For surely, I can and will.

My sinfulness lets doubt and fear catch my toe on that crack. That’s why it is so important to daily seek His Word. Continually strengthening our faith. The method will vary according to your routine, but take the time to make God’s Word part of your routine. A sure way to help you jump over the crack so you don’t break your…faith.

Dear Lord, help me to place all my trust in you through faith. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger

Daily Devotions

Good Grief

Your A Loser Charlie Brown

Good grief! That is a well-known expression in the life of Charlie Brown. This famous age-old cartoon character from the peanuts series cannot catch a break. In fact, you could call him a stereotypical American loser. Whenever he tried to kick the football, Lucy pulled it away at the last second and he flew through the air to land flat on his back. His baseball team has never won a game. Every spring, Charlie Brown went out to fly a kite, and each time it ended up in the tree.

“Good grief” he would say in disappointment. Charlie Brown is a loser. No one wants to be like Charlie Brown. Nobody idolizes him. No one looks up to him. We might feel sorry for Charlie Brown but deep down inside we are relieved that we are not that bad…

I’m A Loser Too

However, many times I have been in a “good grief” situation. A Charlie Brown loser moment. Paul refers to this in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” Charlie Brown could relate to this as well. We read on in Romans 7:18, “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” I admit I am a loser to sin. I realize what I have done and think “good grief.”

A New Life In Christ

But when I take these sins to the foot of the cross, I have a new life. I find this truth in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” I am a new person with my identity in Jesus Christ. Because of the blood of Christ, my sin or failure no longer defines me. Not only am I forgiven, but I have become a new person, a child of God (1 John 3:2). And not one of God’s children are losers!

Take another look at Charlie Brown. He is loyal, determined, a true friend, and a dedicated baseball manager. Charlie Brown never gives up, he is kind, patient by nature, and wears his heart on his sleeve by helping others. I see this as his new identity.

My Identity

Where is my identity? Through faith I am dead to sin. Yes, I am a sinner. Absolutely, I just blew it big time. Yes, I knock things on the floor and I’m clumsy. But because of the blood of Christ and what he purchased on my behalf, that sin or failure no longer defines me. I am alive to God. By his doing, I am created in Christ Jesus for good works. I am chosen and set apart by God for noble, worthy, and holy purposes. This is my new identity. A worthy, good grief.

Dear Lord, help others with a new identity through you. To understand and see
that they are a winner and not a loser. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger

Daily devotions

Grass Greener on the Other Side

Is the Grass Really Greener?

Is grass really greener on the other side? It seems I get a cow that thinks so once in a while as she leans on the fence. Then oh how happy she seems when a wire breaks and the old girl gets out on the other side where she is convinced the grass is greener. As I put her back and fix the fence, I ponder why that perception exists. But then I wondered how many times I have thought that the grass is greener on the other side. Seeking something better than what I already have. A better job. Nicer car. Bigger house. Warmer climate. More money.

Be Satisfied With What You Have

That is exactly what the Hebrew writer was addressing. “Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.’”  Hebrews 13:5. Then the Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:11, “For I have learned to be satisfied with what I have.” This is a lesson I need to learn, maybe you do as well. He’s not saying that I should never want more than I have. It’s that I need to learn to be satisfied with what I do have. If I’m constantly looking for greener grass, I will miss the lesson of contentment and fail to appreciate what God has given me.

Count Your Blessings

That is to say when we don’t appreciate something, we don’t value it. If we don’t value it, we take it for granted. God blesses us daily with good things that we look right past because of the temptation to want more than the daily bread He’s given us. I have been told that the grass is always greener where you water it. So, the best way to make the grass greener where you are standing is to give thanks to God for what you do have.

Everything we have is a gift of God and it helps to be reminded of this daily. Otherwise, like the old cow, the temptations of the world just might find us leaning on the fence. That thankfulness keeps our hearts in the right relationship to the giver of all good gifts. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17).

Give Thanks To God

Indeed, we can have thankful hearts toward God even when we do not feel thankful for the circumstance. We can grieve and still be thankful. We can hurt and still be thankful. Yes we can be angry at sin and still be thankful toward God. That is what the Bible calls a “sacrifice of praise” (Hebrews 13:15). Giving thanks to God keeps our hearts in a right relationship with Him and saves us from a host of harmful emotions and attitudes that will rob us of the peace God wants us to experience, (Philippians 4:6-7). Now look again at the grass on the other side. Is it greener?

Dear Lord, help me water the grass I am standing on by giving you the thanks you so graciously deserve. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger Home

Daily Devotions

Stuck in the Muck

Muck and Mire

Have you ever been “stuck in the muck?” Muck seems to be readily available on the farm, and a rainy spell is not necessarily the culprit. This reminds me of an episode years ago when I was trailing a bull home that was causing trouble by getting out of his pasture. I managed to get him to the feedlot and through an open gate I previously prepared. I dismounted my 4-wheeler to wade through the deep muck for the purpose of closing the gate.

Lo and behold, there I was in the muck, when the bull turned and decided to show me what he thought of the venture. A lot goes through your mind when a 2000-pound bull is charging and you find yourself stuck in the muck. Obviously, I didn’t have to think very long because the next thing I knew I was flying over the top of the gate. The deep muck on the other side however provided a soft landing.

God Will Help

God used this deep muck and mire to protect me. David found himself in muck as well as he writes in Psalm 40:2 “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Even though I didn’t end up with my feet on solid ground, I was out of harm’s way. On solid ground. How many times have you been stuck in the muck? The mire of life? Each one of us probably has in one shape or form. I know my faith is easily weakened in and amidst that muck, or despair in my life. It’s during these times when I tend to lose focus that God’s protective hand is right there to help.

On Solid Ground

That is why it is so important when the chips are down to ask God for help through prayer. He knows when we are weak and is waiting to help set us back on solid ground. All we need to do is put our trust in Him and ask for direction and guidance. Yes, it may seem you are still “stuck in the muck”, but when you place your trust in God and find His willing hand, you will also let go of your fear.. I know it has helped me as I reflect back on my mire moments. I then realize how God has used certain encounters to strengthen my faith.

Maybe, just maybe, that firm place to stand has led to a greater purpose God has in store for me. God has a purpose for you as well. It may never be clear to what that purpose may be, but God knows. We are told in Psalms 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” In God’s time, the muck will subside and the path on the solid ground will be known.

Dear Lord, help me when I get stuck in the muck and guide me to a firm place to stand. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger, Home

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Once Upon A Time

Long Ago

Once upon a time…. What do you think of when you hear this phrase? Are you drawn into an adventure land mindset ready to experience unexplained wonders? Children’s books often start with this expression because it makes you excited or intrigued to hear more. It is like an invitation to open your mind and let the imagination drift into paradise. Or maybe it’s a reflection of a life experience. Once upon a time I was fast, strong, or successful. Or possibly a lament. Once upon a time I had money, a happy family, or a successful sports team.

Looking Back

In either case, we are looking back and reflecting on what is long past. Sooner or later, God just might use this reflection to help you move forward. I know He did in my life. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8) I would venture to say many of us have experienced darkness in our faith “once upon a time” before God called us back with his grace. In this verse Paul tells the Ephesians; Once you were really dead; but now you are really alive in Christ. Once you were really separated from God, but now you have been brought near through Christ. Once you were darkness, but now you are “light in the Lord.”

The Old Is Gone

Does this ring a bell “once upon a time” in your life? If so, you can relate how the Holy Spirit has worked in your heart. Indeed, a wonderful feeling. What you will experience is a fundamental reality change, a genuine transformation, when you receive God’s grace through faith. A transition moving from past to present… “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). The old has gone, the new is here! Therefore, through faith, we live a new life in Christ Jesus. Sin no longer rules over us because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.

The New Has Come

We are told in Romans 6:10, “For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.”  Christ gave Himself for us “once upon a time” and by His resurrection, showed the world that sin and death is defeated. Thus, a new life given to us through our faith. This new life we now can live in Christ is filled with the joy of an eternal promise. I know there will be challenges and difficulties that we will encounter but there is always a joy to be found in a life lived for God.

The new life in Christ never gets old, renewed each and every day with this timeless story… Once upon a time, “God so loved the world, that He sent His one and only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) And all God’s people said, Amen.

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Post Turtle

Am I a Post Turtle?

Have you ever heard of a Post Turtle? The story goes… if you are walking along a fence and spot a turtle sitting on top of a post, that is a post turtle. There are different humorous directions on how that might have transpired, but in every analogy, the turtle did not get up on that post by himself. Someone had to put him there.

I admit, how bizarre would it be to drive along out in the country and glance over at the fence and see a turtle perched on top of a post. But this got me to thinking, could I be a “post turtle?” I could not have gotten to where I am today without my parents, my wife, various people and situations that God used in my life to get me to where I am at today. That “post turtle” didn’t get there by accident and neither did I.

Where You Are At Today is by God’s Design

So many times, it is easy to surmise that our successes or failures is by our own design. However, in reality, through various life circumstances, God has used many things to get us where we are at, in a given moment, for a specific purpose…. In His time. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6) When I think about all the people or events in my life who have helped me, not only is it humbling, but starts to become clear that my life accomplishments are just a series of fence posts that simply could not be reached on my own.

Making that leap to the top of the fence post is insurmountable unless we have a mighty hand to lift us up. God’s mighty hand was at work through post turtles in scripture as well. Just look at Joseph…His jealous brothers. The pit. Slavery. Prison. Then he found himself sitting on a post! Or how about the Apostle Paul? Persecuted Christians. Stoned. Shipwrecked. Imprisoned. Then rose to great heights proclaiming the new covenant to the world. Or how about Moses, David, Rahab, or Ruth?

Opportunities Or Just a Post?

Being put on a “fence post” is a wonderful opportunity. It is also a reassuring sign that God has a plan for you. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Ultimately, we should view those heights from a perspective of humble gratitude. After all, we’re not the ones who put ourselves there in the first place. “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the quarry from which you were dug” (Isaiah 51:1).

Are you sitting on a fence post right now? Faced with a sudden turn of good fortune or an unexpected opportunity? Take time to consider why God might have placed you there. Then act on how you can use this opportunity. The opportunity to serve God before you are once again placed back on the ground.

Dear Lord, thank you for putting me on that post so I can clearly see all you have done for me. Amen.

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The Tail Wagging The Dog

Only a Happy Dog lets her Tail do the Wagging

The tail wagging the dog. This expression reminds me of our family pet not long ago. Exuberant jubilee was a good way to describe our Lab who elevated “happy” to a new level. I know most all Labradors are extremely friendly, but this one would wag her tail with so much enthusiasm and glee that her whole body would follow the back-and-forth movement. Her tail was wagging so hard that it was as if “the tail was wagging the dog.” Maybe some of you have had a dog that did the same thing. So, when you hear someone say, “This is a case of the tail wagging the dog,” there is an understanding that something is backwards in some way. Obviously, we all know that the tail is not supposed to wag the dog.

How does this relate to my Spiritual Life?

However, I got to thinking; does the tail wagging the dog apply to our spiritual day to day journey? Many times, our spiritual life can get turned around backwards, and more times than not it is when we try and do things “my way” instead of God’s way. My way, at times, is driven by expectations, desires, needs, and sometimes… selfishness. God’s way is not like that. Isaiah 55:8-9 defines the difference; “Indeed, my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds,” says the Lord, “for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans.”

How to let the dog wag the tail.

So, the question arises. How do I let the dog wag the tail, instead of letting the tail wag the dog? I must hold fast that the Holy Spirit leads me to all truth (John 14:17) and dwells within me. When I don’t have a definite answer, I can trust that the Spirit within me will provide what I need to make any decision with a clear and faithful heart.

I need to trust in the plans God has for me (Jeremiah 29:11). I may not feel secure through life’s darkest times, and that’s okay. God doesn’t expect me to fake a smile when I am facing trials and turmoil. Alternatively, He offers me His presence for peace and comfort.

Then have assurance that everything will work out according to His plan (Ephesians 1:11). When I show God my willingness to trust Him in every situation, I become a part of that greater purpose. My friends, it takes an intentional daily relationship with God to keep His plan foremost in our hearts.

As soon as we let our guard down, “my way” rears its ugly head and the temptations of the world consume our mind. So, when things in your life are in a disarray and the tail is wagging the dog, keep trusting in God’s ways. Keep taking one obedient step after another. God is present, His plan is still good, and He can be trusted to guide us all when our path becomes uncertain. Be still and let the dog wag the tail.

Dear Lord, may my will become your will. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger Home Page

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Wonders of Windmills

Windmills stand tall in the midst of prairie grass throughout the rural Midwest. Isolated in various pastures, these towers from a distance look like giant sunflowers. Although they are structures of beauty, these windmills have a purpose of mechanically lifting the underground water into storage tanks where livestock come to drink. Historically they were used since the Middle Ages to supply water not only for livestock, but farmsteads, locomotives, or irrigation.

Even though designs and uses have changed over the years, the concept did not. Using the wind for a useful purpose. As you know, wind is something that is in abundance in the plains. When the wind is strong enough, the windmill turns into the wind and utilizes the veins on the wheel to spin and turn the gears that make the rod go up and down to pump water. Alternatively, when there is just a slight breeze, the windmill does not function. Thus, recognizing the need for a storage tank.

Winds of the Spirit

The question becomes; Where does all this wind come from and where does it go? We are told in John 3:8, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Indeed, the wind blows where it wishes. Thus, the same is true with the Holy Spirit. So, if we have no control over the wind or where it comes or goes… how are we to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

We need to be like that windmill. Constantly turning into the wind, no matter what direction that wind is coming from. Yes, continually turning to God to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And when the air is calm with no breeze, we must rely on what is stored up within our “tank” to carry us over to the next day. What is in the tank? Water of course. Life giving water. Like stored up water in a tank for livestock on a calm day, so does the Holy Spirit store up life giving water in us as we intentionally turn towards the Lord through His Word.

Windmill that Provides Living Water

The source of living water… “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:38). Then use this promise for comfort when the strong prevailing winds howl around you and you find it hard to stand. I have yet to see the wind blow over a windmill because of its strong foundation. So it will be with us also as we use the anchors of our faith given to us through our life giving waters of baptism and constant strengthening of our roots through His Word.

Dear Lord, help me keep turning to you as you send forth the Holy Spirit into my life. Help me strengthen my faith as I use this gift to show others the life-giving waters. Amen.

Phil Bamesberger Home Page

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Draw a Line in the Sand

Drawing a line in the sand. When I was young, if someone drew a line in the sand it usually escalated into a physical confrontation, no matter who crossed over the line first. I wasn’t one of the tough kids back then so I didn’t cross the line very much. Ok, I never did. However, I recall having fun listening to the stories my grandfather told regarding his episodes of a line getting drawn in the sand. No doubt the stories got better through the years, but he indicated that the line sometimes didn’t quite get drawn before he was crossing the line.

I tried researching where drawing a line in the sand originated and did not find a consistent source. Regardless, in each case the line in the sand set a boundary or limit. Going beyond those limits would bring consequences. So, in one way or another, I would venture to say we all have been involved with lines in the sand. As a result we have faced the ensuing consequence.

Jesus’ Consequences

Jesus might not have drawn a line but he was drawing in the sand when faced with settling a dispute with an adulterous woman in John 8:1-11. The crowd was wanting judgement cast upon her and was anxiously awaiting Jesus’ decision. Jesus silenced the crowd as he slowly drew His line in the sand. He drew this line to set a boundary. This means crossing it would involve consequences. Jesus looked at the crowd on the other side of the line and said; “you without sin, cast the first stone.” Nobody was qualified to cross that boundary.

Where do you draw the line?

As Christians, where do we draw the line in the sand? No doubt it is easy to cross that line when debating abortion, or if someone is being abused. But what about standing up for Biblical truth in a noisy volatile world?  What about putting a stop to corrosive gossip in the arena of social media? How about taking the time to tell someone about Jesus? So many things we can do as Christians if we are willing to face the consequences.

What consequences? Well, it takes a willingness to go that extra mile, spend a little more time, and engage in Christ centered conversations. It can be as simple as setting personal goals; reading the Bible, going to church regularly, or volunteering in the community. Or like Joshua when he drew a line in the sand and said; “but for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15b.

Our Boundaries

As a Christian, where we set our boundaries, how we act, where we place our priorities, and the examples we set, will be contagious for generations to come. Yes, part of crossing the line in the sand may have negative consequences, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong,” 2 Corinthians 12:10. But it is so worth it, “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven,” Matthew 5:12a.

Dear Lord, give me the strength to cross the line in the sand, the boundaries of heavenly reward, Amen.

Phil Bamesberger Home Page

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Help Wanted


Help Wanted! I see these words on signs in windows of businesses more than ever before. The shortage of workers across the country have become quite a problem with employers who are struggling to find help. We might speculate what the cause might be. Is it because of Covid, retiring baby boomers, or generous unemployment benefits? Whatever it proves to be in the end, it doesn’t change the fact that merchants across the nation are looking for workers. The ramification of this is affecting everyone. Products are being delayed and many service providers are having to adjust accordingly. In the scheme of things, help wanted pleas are shifting to help needed.

My Help Wanted Sign

So, as I envision these signs as a “sign” from God, my first thought come from the numerous times I read about discipleship in the Bible. Yes, Jesus wants me to help by volunteering, help by going to church, and wants me to help spread His Word; and that will make a great devotion for another day. However, the more I thought about it, the more I imagined that Jesus would not hold a “Help Wanted” sign. But instead a “Help Available” sign. He didn’t come into this world because he needs me, He come because I need Him. I am the one holding that sign.

He tells you and I in John 14:6I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The Apostle Paul writes in Titus 2:12 about my help wanted sign in Christ; “training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.” And the reason all of us need to carry our help wanted sign daily; “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Help Received

As long as we are on this earth, we will never stop needing Him every moment of every day. So maybe, just maybe, the numerous “Help Wanted” signs I see on every corner, should remind me of how much I need God in my life. Also, for God to give me patience when products are delayed or service providers are shorthanded. Ultimately reminding me that amongst all the evil in the world, God is still in control and has a divine plan and in Him I place my trust. With my intentional effort with God in my life, THEN I can focus on discipleship to spread the good news of salvation in the community or change someone’s life.

What is that good news? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life,” (John 3:16). Jesus gave His life on the cross to bear the sins of all who believe in Him. Therefore we can enjoy eternity with Him. All this He did willingly because of His unconditional love for us. Thus, the Good News as we seek him daily for the “Help Wanted” in our life.

Dear Lord, I know my sign for help wanted has been fulfilled, thank you for always being there for me. Amen.

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Screen Time

How Much Screen Time?

Are cell phones a luxury or a necessity? That answer of course might lie in the eye of the beholder. I get a notification on my cell phone once a week that might shed some light on that question. It tells me how much “screen time” I have invested over the previous week. Every minute I look at my phone, it keeps track of how much time I spend staring at that screen and obviously gives me the sum once a week.

I never have paid much attention to knowing that pointless information, but that notification caught my attention the other day and it declared my total was four hours and twenty minutes. That’s not bad I didn’t think, because divided by seven days in the week that was only thirty-seven minutes a day. Cool, my phone is a necessity. Then I looked again and realized that was not for the whole week, but the daily average that week. Really? I spent over 25% of my waking hours on my phone? Bummer, now it becomes an awkward luxury.

What Am I Doing?

I recall placing judgement on other people who appear to be on their phone excessively. Are others watching me and thinking the same thing? That screen time is hijacking my attention by a magnetic draw to check an email, look at a Facebook feed, twitter, Google, or sending a text message. Connected to the world and everyone in it 24/7.

Remember back in the day? Phones were for making phone calls. It makes me wonder what I did that four plus hours every day before “screen time?” I recognize God wants me to make good use of what time I have. Paul says in Ephesians 5:16Make the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Moses in Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

I Get It Now

I dare not ask Siri what that means because I sheepishly know. The more I think about it, the more I wonder where my heart would guide me if I spent just half of my “screen time” every day serving Him, studying His Word, helping others in need, or praying. “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:1).

My heart needs updates, notifications, and downloads more often than my iPhone. These “App’s” (fruits of the Spirit) that I need to update are; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control… these and many more are not available through Apple, but through the Holy Spirit. Then my screen time would change my focus from worldly things to things pleasing to God. Now that my friend is a necessity.

Dear Lord, help me make better use of my screen time and to use that time every day to turn my focus towards strengthening my heart with heavenly updates. In Jesus name, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Green Stamps

Redemption programs

Many businesses today use a rewards program to encourage loyalty;hotels, airlines, gas stations, the list could go on and on. The more you buy, the more points you accumulate. Thus, redeeming those points earned can be quite gratifying if you have enough of them. However, this is not a new phenomenon; the loyalty program when I was growing up was S&H Green Stamps. Green Stamps were popular from 1930 through the 80’s and merchants would give out these stamps based on the value of the purchase.

That is where I would come in, lick paste, lick paste, lick paste, fifty stamps per page, 1200 stamps per book and some days it took a lot of licking. At any rate, several books were gathered before getting out the S&H redemption catalog. What should we redeem them for? Kitchenware, outdoor gear, small appliances, or maybe something I never knew we needed? Redemption time was always a special time as we contemplated what item was going to be chosen.

My Green Stamps

A special time indeed, that is what the Apostle Paul told the Ephesians 1:7“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” But what does that mean that we have redemption through His blood? Well think of it as if Jesus was collecting Green Stamps. He collected one for me, one for you and one for the neighbor down the street. In fact, He collected one for everyone on earth who was and who ever will be.

Jesus gathered these “Green Stamps” and carried them all the way to the cross at calvary. He paid the price for collecting these “Green Stamps”, as on His journey to the cross, He was stricken, smitten and afflicted, but He never lost focus of what He was going to do… He was on His way to redeem all those books and books of stamps gathered with each of our name on them. Jesus had a special reward in mind. Yes, He knew what He was going to redeem all those stamps for. He willingly died on that cross to get that special gift He had picked out since the beginning of time.


That gift was to redeem you, me and all people. The blood that He shed, paid the price to redeem us from all of our sins. Why? “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24). Because of His unending love for us God give His only son and a promise to us of salvation by believing in Him (John 3:16). This redemption applies to all of us, divinely sealed by His resurrection. Jesus is our redeemer. That my friends, is the best loyalty program ever.

 Lord, thank you for sending your son to redeem “my stamp” so that I can live in Your righteousness. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Listen Carefully

Do you recall the time when you first discovered an echo? I’m not sure I do either, but I do remember having fun trying out that new found phenomena. Whether I was in a canyon or a cave, maybe even a school gymnasium, it was fun to shout something and listen as the words rang back to me multiple times. Hello, hello, hello, hello, as I call out and the sound slowly fades when it bounces from one side to another. I’m sure I tried all sorts of sounds and phrases just to hear my echo. It didn’t matter what word I shouted, it repeatedly kept coming back.

The Great “I AM”

Jesus used his voice to create an echo to clearly describe that He was the living God to the Pharisees in John 8:58. He tells them “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” And a great echo it was…. I am, I am, I am, I am, as Jesus proceeds to tell the world who He is with that echo through the gospel of John…

“I am the bread of life,” John 6:35. Jesus, as the Bread of Life, offers each of us life everlasting. “I am the light of the world,” John 8:12. Jesus as the Light of the World, offers a choice between the darkness of sin and the glistening light of His presence. “I am the door,” John 10:9. Jesus is that Door that offers the true path to salvation. “I am the Good Shepherd,” John 10:11. Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, died to save each of us. “I am the resurrection and the life,” John 11:25. Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, will raise all who believe in the last days. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” John 14:6. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, is God, and is our only source of salvation. “I am the vine,” John 15:5. Jesus, as the Vine, our source of life… today and life everlasting.

My “I Am”

This echo however, does not fade away like mine in the canyon. Jesus’ echo continues loud and clear since the day Moses asked God’s name and He said, “I am who I am…. and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.” Exodus 3:13-15. How blessed we are to have heard this life-giving echo and how blessed others will be if they hear it too. In fact, now I can shout my own “I am” echo… I am loved, I am forgiven, I am justified, I am declared righteous, I am redeemed, I am, I am, I am, given life by the blood of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. That message my friends is worth standing on a mountain top and shouting and hearing that echo over and over again. 

Dear Lord, thank you for the echo telling me who you areand what you have done for me. Help me to share that message with all who will hear, time and time again. Amen.

Peace, Love and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Go The Right Way

Some things in life are hard to love, and one of those things for me is a roundabout. I am sure these are well thought out and make intersections quicker and safer, but all the same, I don’t’ like them. Is it my turn to go? Do I have the right away? Why is that guy mad at me? What exit did navigation say to take again? Maybe it is because I like a well determined path from point A to point B. But upon reflection, my path has never been clearly defined and definitely not straight. In fact, my path has included dead ends, detours and a wrong way in a one way. Maybe I could have benefited from a roundabout.

How clear is the path in your faith journey? I know there are many times in my mind that I am following the straight road that is mapped out for my life. Truth be told I have no idea what path that is. Am I really listening to God’s direction? If I am truly following God’s directions, why does it feel like I am wondering in the wilderness?

It reminds me of the Israelites journey in the wilderness. “When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus, the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle.” Exodus 13:17-18.

God Guides My Path

There is a reason our paths are not clearly defined. God led the Israelites in a roundabout way for reason. He includes roundabouts in our path for a reason as well. It doesn’t necessarily mean it is because of sin and disobedience like the Israelites, but for strengthening of our relationship with Him. Other places in the Bible we learn about paths taken through a roundabout. Moses took the roundabout way to leading Israel, David took the roundabout way to becoming a king, Paul took the roundabout way to Rome, Jonah took the roundabout way to Nineveh.

In each case God was guiding their path that would lead to a greater purpose. Moses learned steadfast obedience, David learned contrition, Paul learned patience, Jonah learned about forgiveness, all on the Roundabout Way. So, if you find yourself heading towards a roundabout, and are unsure of how to navigate it, you are not alone. There are many of us on the roundabout wondering what direction our life is going and what exit to take. But the good news is you and I are likely right where God wants us right now. Even though we might wonder what went wrong, or why we struggle to get on the right path, the lessons learned along the way is how God heals us in the roundabout way.

Dear Lord, thank you for the path you have led us on, knowing you are preparing us as you did the Israelites, to be among the “army ready for battle.” Amen.

Peace, Love and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Who is the Bad Guy?

Why do most stories have a villain? We see it all the time in cartoons or movies. The Terminator, Darth Vader, the Wicked Witch of the West; or how about the evil Hannibal Lecter or the Grinch that stole Christmas? And the crowd Boos!! The list could go on and on. The plot usually includes a damsel or colony in distress followed by a hero that comes to save the day. Villains play an important part in novels and movies to create the suspense necessary to showcase the hero. Without the bad guy, we wouldn’t understand the dangers a community or person is facing, thus not having someone to hate or blame for the evil.

There are many villains in the Bible as well to read about as well. Delilah, Goliath, Pharaoh, King Herod… and the evilest one of them all, Satan. Do these villains serve the same purpose? Do they showcase the hero? Well for sure David’s story with Goliath and Samson with Delilah did. But what about that bad guy who makes all other villains look like Spongebob… Satan? This villain works in our story, in our daily drama. Our story, as everyone before or after us, is continually attacked by evil schemes to drag us into the dark shadows of life. The villain in our life, like in the movies, is appearing to have the upper hand.

We Find Hope

All of us become weak just like the Apostle Paul says… But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). We are made strong in our weakness by seeking our hero; we see this villain progression happening in our story more than we want to admit. This is when we reach out to our hero, Jesus Christ.

It becomes paramount to be rescued daily from the villain in our life and Jesus is there each and every time to rescue believers from Satan’s grasp. We cannot do it alone. Neither can we step into a phone booth as Clark Kent and emerge as Superman. We must step into our “prayer booth” and speak to our hero, our savior, our redeemer, “ But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6). 

Jesus Saves the Day for All

The world needs to hear the redemptive story of Jesus. He already “saved the day” for all believersand gives us protection from sin and evil if we just ask through prayer and follow Him. The cross was His weapon, His blood our shield. The sequel includes us in the story when we seek, believe, and follow His Truth, for when He comes again the villain will be forever destroyed and we will enjoy eternal life with our hero, Jesus Christ.

Lord cover me with the armor of God to help me combat the villain. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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​Do you know what is contagious and the best medicine all at the same time? Something that can make you hurt and feel good simultaneously? That magical thing my friends is Laughter. If you have laughed until your sides hurt, or laughed until you cried, you know what I am talking about. Many times, this happens when children are around, they will say and do things that are just plain funny. We are always recalling something that was said or done by our precious miniature comedians, and laugh for months afterwards. 

I have also experienced a grieving time where family would gather, and at an appropriate time, someone would recall a funny memory. The next thing you know the room would erupt in laughter. The healing effect of laughter works at the core of all emotions. 

A Time to Laugh

In the context of these wide range of reactions, laughter was written about many times in the Bible; “A time to weep and a time to laugh” (Ecclesiastes 3:4), “A joyful heart is good medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22), “when our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy,” (Psalm 126:2), “God has made laughter for me,” (Genesis 21:6). How long has it been since you have had a good laugh? In the social media world, we express our laughter by typing LOL (laugh out loud). But do we really laugh or just think it would be a good time to do so? A time to laugh and a time not to laugh.

Here is a quote from Pastor Don Thran, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Lansing Iowa; “Laughter is a good icebreaker for people to get to know one another. It’s such a fantastic outreach that it’s hardly a laughing matter.” What a wonderful statement as we go out into the broken world to share the joyous message of our risen Lord and Savior and how God had the last laugh over death. When Jesus was buried in the tomb, and on the third day rose again, all believers were filled with laughter and tears of joy. 

Laughter, Joy, Faith

If we would incorporate laughter with our faith, what would that look like? Would we actually smile with joy before or after the sacraments and absolution? When we sing praises to the Lord, would we lift up our hands to the heavens (Psalm 134)? When we give thanksgiving to the Lord for all He has given us would we “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 100)? What an evangelizing thought as all would see what joy there is to know Jesus. My heart leaps for joy for all God has given and blessed me with, and I should LOL and show my neighbor how happy that makes me to know that same gift is theirs, if they just believe. Now that is truly good medicine that will be eternally contagious. 

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the means of grace and the emotions to show my joy with laughter, help us share that eternal joy with others. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Eyes on the Road

One of the many beautiful wonders of God’s creation are the mountains and I always remain in awe when traveling through them. Vast evergreen forests with snow capped mountains in the background, raging streams of water splashing over boulders, and occasional meadows with lush green grass waiting for wild game to venture there for grazing. It is hard to keep my eyes on the road and still absorb all these wonders. Especially when the highway has sharp curves and elevation changes known as switchbacks. A sheer rock wall on one side, a bottomless drop-off on the other. 

So, I drive…tuck it in left turn, tuck it in right turn, as the passengers start to turn green. It seems I am zooming along like a NASCAR driver until I look in the mirror and cars are staking up behind me. Need to go faster, lean left, lean right, gotta keep going, my knuckles are turning white and all of a sudden, the tension is making the back of my neck hurt. Everyone in the car now is getting weary. Someone has to go to the bathroom, someone else has a tummy ache. No place to pull over. We reach the interstate and everyone breathes a sigh of relief even though it might be rush hour traffic. At least the road is straight.

My Switchback

Have you experienced this road in your Christian life journey? I know I have. The road winds around with sharp curves, it has hazards to the right, hazards to the left, sometimes I find myself nauseated and hurting, growing weary. But when I think about it, each bend, each switchback curve, all the hazards, all my fears and pain, brought me closer to the goal God made possible. 

Joshua was on a similar road when he gives assurance in chapter 1:9 “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”He possibly learned this from Moses as he gives us the same message, “Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6,8.

Jesus Will Straighten Your Path

When the road in your life seems to get treacherous and hazards surround you, place your trust in Jesus and He will guide you to the straight path. However, Jesus warns us there will be winding roads, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.” John 16:33. In Jesus there is blessing, guidance, safety, healing and satisfaction, but there will also be trials from the world surrounding us. However, we can be assured that God will extend His protective hand during these trials. Treacherous roads will come, but let Christ take the wheel, He is our navigator and we should set our fears aside and enjoy the ride.

 Dear Lord, help me place my trust in you to be my navigator through the switchbacks in my life and hold fast to the promise at the end of the road, everlasting life. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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We have a lot of health care providers in our family, so during family gatherings, we have the bases covered when it comes to knowing how to handle minor accidents or injuries on the farm. Invariably, one of the grandchildren will come sobbing with an ouchie incurred while playing. It is usually quite dramatic as they seek out their Mother for comfort. More times than not I hear from Mom or Dad, “you’re fine, it’s not even bleeding!” Not the words the traumatized child wants to hear as you would expect. That is when it is “Band-Aid” time.

Healing Time

I enjoy the process of taking the sniffling injured to the Band-Aid station. Just the very motion of reaching in the cabinet for the box has an immediate calming effect. Placing a Band-Aid on the spot that is hurting miraculously changes the mood from hurting to healed. Especially if the Band-Aid is colorful or has spider man on it. Sometimes I think I am the same way. When I have an ouchie I seek out a “Band-Aid” to comfort my hurt and pain, looking to make that transition from hurting to healed.

However, I know where to find what I am looking for with my faith and belief in God and I take my requests to Him in prayer. But just like the children, after the hurt has been healed or the comfort that I asked for has been received, I tend to continue on with life until the next time. Forgetting to be thankful for what God has already done for me. The same thing happened in the Bible as Luke tells us a story of the ten lepers in chapter 17 verses 11-19 where the ten lepers stood at a distance and asked for healing.

Jesus is Our Healer

Jesus gives them all a “Band-Aid” and they were healed. “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleaned? Where are the other nine?  Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then He said to him, “Rise up and go, your faith has made you well.” 

How easy it becomes after God listens to our needs, answers our prayers, heals our hurts. Then we run off like the children to play again and not look back. Are we just too busy? It doesn’t mean that we are not thankful, we just tend to not take a moment and give thanks for the small “God given Band-Aids.” Maybe we should stop at the Band-Aid station in the closet, open up one of those colorful healing aids; put it on the back of our hand and use it as a reminder to always give thanks for all the healing blessings that have been given to us, great and small. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comforts, who comforts us in all of our troubles.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4a 

Dear Lord, thank you for all the times you have answered my prayers with your gracious healing, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Sit up Straight

I remember when I was growing up, I was always told to “sit up straight.” This happened when I was at the kitchen table, at school, or sitting down to watch TV. I’m sure some of you can relate when you were told to correct your posture. Yes, good posture is important for us and medical research proves it, especially as we get older. However, I recall being irritated when I would hear the reminder by my parents or teacher, especially when I thought I was sitting up straight. Good posture is frequently neglected no matter how old we are. It still would be beneficial if we all were reminded to, “sit up straight.” 

So, as you are reading this, what is your posture? Are you slouched over? Did you just straighten up now that I brought this to your attention? (I didn’t think so). I find myself at my desk behind a computer screen more often nowadays and by the end of the day my body hurts because of my lack of proper posture. We are all guilty of poor posture and adapting habits of good posture takes an intentional effort. 

Spiritual Posture

The same thing happens in our spiritual lives. We let a health issue make our heart slouch. Politics might make our mind slump. We let anger make our faith hunch over. Our spiritual posture can be good one minute and before you know it, God is saying “sit up straight.” He assures us through the Psalmist in 84:11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” God loves us and will protect us, bestowing his unending Grace on us every day as long as we “sit up straight.” Keeping our spiritual posture is paramount in our daily lives. 

When we straighten up, pull our shoulders back, stand tall, and remain in His presence, we will walk uprightly. However, just like our physical posture, it takes intentional effort. To maintain good spiritual posture, we need to stay in His Word, talk to God in prayer, serve Him in worship, and love our neighbor as ourselves. But yet, all too often, our response, our posture towards God if you will, is to lean away from Him. No time to pray, to pause, to listen. No time to read His Word or digest it, but plenty of time to succumb to worldly pleasures. 

Keep Working At It

Once again, it takes intentional effort on our part to seek good posture and the help from God to remain that way. With His help we can maintain the needed humility to stay close to Him, staying within the realm of what is right in His sight! By seeking His help, seeking His guidance and strength, seeking to walk in harmony with His Word, then our spiritual posture will endure throughout eternity with Him.

Dear Lord, remind me daily to “sit up straight” and give me the endurance to remain upright. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Last Straw

Too Heavy

I’m sure you have heard this phrase before; “The straw that broke the camel’s back.” Now being somewhat familiar with camels I know they are a strong animal and could carry quite a load. I also believe you would have to be quite creative on getting enough straw to stay on a camel’s back to actually break it. However, idioms are not intended to be actual trials. The “last straw” refers to the ultimatum in a series of bad things. This happens when someone gets very upset or angry enough to ignite a reaction.

Breaking Point

I know I have been to that breaking point before and it got me to thinking… “How many straws did it take to break that back?” How many times have you found yourself ready to explode, to walk away, to give up? Do you often feel (like I do sometimes) that the straws which life, family, and obligations are thrown upon us are simply too heavy to carry? There are people that have contemplated suicide, quit their jobs, give up on their marriage, left the church, or even road rage. All because of that “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

The Hebrew writer points our burdened hearts towards Jesus in these instances. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Jesus Carries My Load

All the “straws” that we allow to pile up on our backs, will keep us from living in the miraculous carefree life that Jesus Christ died to give us. Jesus is there to carry a whole stack of straw for us as long as we run the race He has marked out for us. Placing our trust in Him. If we commit EVERYTHING to Him, the load we carry will be lifted. My friends, it is not easy. When life’s challenges load us down with fear, worry, and anxiety, Satan wants us to carry our own load.

But Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Yet I’ve still caught myself carrying burdens I should offload onto Jesus. We can put down these burdens when we come to the Lord in prayer. The apostle Peter says, “Cast all your anxiety on [Jesus] because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Because He cares for you and me, we can rest and relax as we learn to trust Him. Instead of carrying the “straw” that weigh us down and weary us; we can give the first, the last, the whole load to the Lord to carry.

Dear God, I rejoice that I can find strength and support in Your promises. Help me to let go of my “straw” and cast all of my anxiety and burdens upon You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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You are “Here”

Look For The Sign

If you have ever been to an amusement park, a zoo, or large shopping mall, you might have wondered where you are going. If you are like me, I would look for an information sign with a map on it. I look for the arrow that says, “you are here”. This map will show me where I’ve been, where I might be going, and most importantly these words will confirm where I am, at that given moment. Have you ever thought about the fact that all of us are exactly where we’re supposed to be right now?

This is true of the neighborhood you live in, the place you work, and the activities you are involved in. You might be inclined to say, “if I could just change this or that….” But we can’t. Thousands of moments led you to this point. Hundreds of decisions and actions. Millions of tiny thoughts, mistakes and blessings have brought you here. And here is good. Thoughts might become; “so what is so good about it?” No matter what route your life has taken to this place you are at right now, God has brought you here for a purpose.

What is My Purpose?

Psalm 57:2 says, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” This is key in understanding God’s purpose for our life. He not only has our days numbered but has and will fulfill that purpose in our life. How we got to this point is different for each of us. Where we go from here does not have to be. We must be prayerfully attentive to the direction God has for us. When we follow God’s will and live according to His divine plan, our perspective shifts. Our vision expands.

We begin to look at life not in terms of what we can do, but what God can do through us. God is shaping our lives serve others and allowing you and I to be served at the same time when He is working through us. However, we often act as if we are inadequate to the task. We come up with excuses, have shallow justifications or are afraid to make a commitment. What we must understand about God is that He knows what we can accomplish. We are more than capable of handling the task and God knows it.

Show Me The Way

Our job is to be willing to ask, “God what can you do through me?” or “What do I have to offer?”  God’s answer isn’t based on the quality of our talents, gifts, or opportunities. Our task is to accept that God is looking for those who are faithful and obedient. He does and will apply our gifts, but it’s our willingness to serve that God uses more than anything else. God will qualify the servant; all we need to do is ask what direction we must go from “here”.

Lord, show me how I can serve you and others. In You, I place my trust to give me the direction I must go. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Old Photos

Image in Time

Old photos can show us where we have been and what we have done. Photo technology has come a long way over the years. From a tripod and single exposure slides, to rolls of film, to an app on my cell phone. Ever so easy it is now to capture a photo memory. Times have changed also from pictures in a shoe box to electronic files. Needless to say, I was looking through one of those shoe box files the other day, amazed at what all I had forgotten. How ridiculous I looked in that hat. Oh my, that hairdo is outrageous. The laughter at the fashion of times, expressions, or what I looked like back then. Every photo in that box, stimulated a memory. It was entertaining how many additional memories surfaced from one photo.

God’s Photo Album

In many places throughout the scriptures, God shows us “old photos” to jog our memory to recall what He has done. There are certain things He does not want us to forget; Don’t forget you were delivered from bondage (Dt 9:7), don’t forget all of the Lords benefits (Ps 103:2), remember the way the Lord your God has led you (Dt 8:2), remember Him in everything (1 Cor 11:2), remember the deeds of the Lord (Ps 77:11), the Holy Spirit will cause you to remember all things I have spoken to you (Jn 14:26). Even the sacrament of Holy Communion was given by Jesus for the purpose of remembering His death (Lk 22:19).

God asks us to recollect who He is; to intentionally preserve the memory of what He has done for us and the words He has spoken to us. Remembering His faithfulness in the past strengthens us and encourages us in the present and gives us hope for the future. However, we tend to forget to remember. We get caught up in our day-to-day activities and forget to remember what God has done or is doing in our lives.

Looking at our past to shape our future

Just like pictures placed in a shoe box and put on a shelf. Worldly things can so easily consume our time and capture our attention until our devotion, thanksgiving and dependence on God are all but a passing thought. If I were to ask you how much time you spend with God and your answer has anything to do with a calendar, then I must ask; “How much time does God spend with You?” Every minute of every day.

Our old photo album must be filled with devotion to God with our thoughts, words, and deeds. Through remembering God’s works in scripture and in our life will only strengthen our faith. A strengthened faith thus results in praise that comes more easily and prayers that flow more readily. When our “photo memories” are recorded, it will bring our thoughts to God. Psalm 16:8 says, “I keep the Lord in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Dear Lord, thank you for always being there for me. Help me to reflect your Grace in everything I say and do. For these blessings I will be eternally thankful. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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On My Knees

Inside Out

Recently I come across an image that showed two separate silhouettes of a man. One was labeled “Dad on the outside” and the other one was labeled, “Dad on the inside.” It really spelled out a true picture as I could visualize myself being this image, on my knees. The dad on the outside image had a note on its head in bold print, “I’m fine.” Conversely, the dad on the inside image read; feelings of failure, money worries, inadequate, I don’t do enough, need more time, stressed, confused, need to set better examples, BURNT OUT.

Because it is so true that often we appear just fine on the outside, when in reality we are hurting inside. Well, it just so happened I was really relating to this inside silhouette image and feeling nearly all of those stressful thoughts and more. And just then, a song come on the radio of the feed truck. This song is called “Just be Held,” by Casting Crowns. I just parked there beside the feed bunk listening to the song as God spoke to me through the lyrics. It goes something like this; “So when you’re on your knees and answers seem so far away; You’re not alone, stop holding on and just be held; Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place; I’m on the throne, stop holding on and just be held”.

God’s Message Heard

The Lord was sending me a message through that radio at the right time and place like He did the people of Israel in Isaiah 41:10. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Sometimes it does feel like our world is falling apart. For instance, the loss of a loved one, a sudden financial crisis, or an alarming health concern. Or it could be a struggling relationship or an unexpected home repair and can feel like we are going under. It is in times like these that God wants us to remember that He is on the throne. So, you know, maybe our world isn’t “falling apart” as much as it is “falling into place”. 

In these moments, if you find yourself on your knees, we can be held by the grip of grace with a trust that God has in store for our lives. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose…” Romans 8:28. Sometimes it just takes God talking to us. It can be through a simple song at the right time to make us realize to just let go of everything that we have been holding on to and just be held by God Himself.

Just Be Held

I know we are called to be strong. But, when our world seems to be falling apart, stop holding on. And just be held by our mighty and ever-loving Father. The one who knows us, who sees us where we are, and longs to draw us close to Him.  Let go and just be held in his loving arms. Let him show you “your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place,” as you let Him hold onto you.

Dear Lord, when I drop down on my knees in despair, pick me up. Hold me in your arms, and help me hear your gracious message of healing. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Groundhog Day

The best way to predict the upcoming weather every February is by watching a scruffy little creature named Punxsutawney Phil, who is a groundhog in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Every year on February 2, this chubby little animal comes out of his hole in the ground and predicts the conclusion of winter by seeing (or not seeing) his own shadow. Tradition is, that if he sees his shadow he will run back in his den and hide, thus predicting another six weeks of winter. Now if you ask me, I think the two choices are; if he sees his shadow there are, like tradition claims, six more weeks of winter… however, if he does not see his shadow, there are six more weeks until spring. Regardless, it is a fun folklore to talk about.

My Shadow

I was thinking of this when I was walking in the bright sunshine the other day and I saw my own shadow. With minimal observation, I noticed when I walked away from the sun my shadow went before me, but when I walked toward the sun it followed me. My shadow was always there, but the direction I walked determined where it fell. I could not help comparing my shadow, with the burdens I have in my life.

We all have our burdens and no matter what we do, believe, or think, they are there and tag along like shadows on a sunny day. But the direction in which we walk does make a difference. If we walk away from God, the source of all light, our burdens run before us. They darken our path and hide the fact that bright, radiant, life-giving sunshine abounds all around us. Now, if we walk toward God, our burdens follow, and our path is illuminated.

Our Burdens in The Shadow of The Cross

Our burdens are not only behind us, but everything looks bright. Yes, we all have our burdens, but how they affect our lives is up to us and our relationship to God. With God we can place our burdens behind us if we walk toward Him. “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.James 1:17 Our burdens were laid at the foot of the cross that Jesus carried to Calvary.

Jesus, who knew no sin, died for all of our sins. In the shadow of the cross, a marvelous exchange took place. My sin for his righteousness. My burdens for his blessing. He bore my shadow and invited me into His wonderful light. The Lord is my light and salvation, and it is hard for us to comprehend how great our Heavenly Father’s love for us must truly be. May our life be, Oh Lord, a constant walk in Your direction.

May we know the life-giving sunlight which comes from only You. Keep us from walking in our own shadow and direct us so that we may always put our shadow behind us. Amen.

Peace, Love and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Rear-View Mirror

Looking Good in the Rear View Mirror

For months, I have been longing to gaze at the year 2020 in the rear-view mirror. Churches and businesses closed or had to nearly shut down because of the pandemic. Not only did we see this disease escalate, we witnessed a derecho, hurricanes, and fires, all of which destroyed homes and threatened people’s lives.

If that wasn’t enough, we had to watch needless riots, political battles, and attacks on law enforcement. All this was going on while small businesses were facing financial stress, we were advised not to travel or visit loved ones, we constantly were being told what we can or cannot do. Then compile this with all the anxieties from personal difficulties or the loss of a loved one. Gooooodbye 2020; BUT WAIT.

Was it so Bad?

I have done nothing but focus on bad things I observed in this rear-view mirror. God’s people were the same way while they were wondering in the wilderness. They were feeling sorry for themselves; they were tired of eating manna; the Israelites were tired of their presumed hardships and were frustrated with Moses. They had clearly disregarded what God has done, continues to do, and His promise to them. These people wanted to go back to the way things were in Egypt. The Israelites needed better vision.

How about you and me?  What if I use 2020 to look forward with 20/20 vision? I must confess, I pray more and feel closer to God when things are in an upheaval. I’m sure we all have felt stricken, smitten, and afflicted; but it is in these moments when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable point. The point where we are drawn closer to God.

Strength Through Your Weakness

The Apostle Paul describes it best when he confessed that God had given him the GIFT of a thorn of suffering to keep him humble and to remind him of the common humanity he shared with all other people. We can relate with Paul and the Israelites, sharing weakness, trials, tribulations, and yes… sinfulness. God said through Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness,” (2 Corinthians 12:9). As we are weak, God is strong.

But Paul says he is thankful even for the thorn because it is only in weakness that Christ is glorified. There is power in weakness because it is only through suffering that God’s grace is made clear. We can say, like Paul, that our troubles are given to us as opportunities to come closer to God, to rely upon our faith to place all our trust in God. As we triumph over our adversities, we are empowered by God working in us.

Now we can glance in the rear-view mirror and give thanks to God, who has given us 20/20 vision to see the promise He gives to all who believe and trust in Him, everlasting life. And if these sufferings bring us closer to God then we can be eternally grateful.

Lord, thank you for using a thorn in my side to help me see clearer the path I need to follow. Help others to use their thorn to embrace your Grace as well, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Are We There Yet


“Are we there yet?” While traveling I remember our children asking this as I’m sure I did when I was young. Generations of children have asked this question, usually not very far into a long journey. Over and over and over; the kids just could not wait for the trip to end. How many times did Moses hear this same question from the Israelites as he led them across the wilderness for 40 years? “The Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart,” Deuteronomy 8:2

Like the journey in the pandemic year of 2020, it seems as if we have been on 40 miles of bad road. We felt lost and confused. Huge potholes of natural disasters, health concerns, and political turmoil have scared our journey, not to mention detours of personal issues and concerns. We want to ask God, “Are we there yet? How much longer?” At such times, it helps to remember that the journey, not just the destination, is important to God. He uses it to humble us, test us, and show us what is in our hearts.

Navigating the Unknown

Recently, in three separate adventures, we were traveling in unfamiliar areas, so we entered a known destination in our navigation device. To our surprise it directed us down non paved roads. We crossed one lane bridges, cattle guards, and “potholes.” I had faith we would reach our destination. As challenging as the journey appeared, we did arrive at the proper place. If I put so much trust in the electronic device on my dash to guide me to where I need to go… why do I have so much trouble trusting that God will guide me through all the calamity in the world I navigate in today?

I glance in the rear-view mirror and see where I have been. I lean over and look in the mirror again, I see myself. Is that where I place my trust? Just like the Israelites, they looked in the rear-view mirror, wandering without asking for God’s guidance. As long as I go down this road and ask, “are we there yet”, I will get the same answer from God that the Israelites and our children got… “no not yet”.  Not only is it paramount to enter the correct destination, but to place my trust in the Lord. If I don’t, I will spend 40 years driving down a low maintenance road. A road that might get worse instead of better.


In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus says that there is a path that leads to life, and a path that leads to destruction. For the path to life, we need to place our trust in God and not ourselves, “Trust the Lord with all your heart; do not lean on your own understanding,” (Proverbs 3:5). When we place our trust in God, our destination will be marked for us when we come to that fork in the road. We will hear Jesus say… “your destination is on the right.”

Dear Lord, help us follow the path you have lit up for us. Our trust we place in Your hands and know that our final stop will be with You in eternity. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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The Rest of the Story

Great Stories

“And now you know… the rest of the story.” This phrase many of you will recognize as the sign off for the late Paul Harvey’s radio newscast with a feature he called, “The Rest of the Story.” These factual narratives always concluded with an interesting twist that made for a surprise ending. Listeners were often fascinated to learn that even when it came to stories with which they were familiar, there was always more to the story than what they had previously heard.

This is so very true of the Bible. We might look at the Old Testament and ponder; What is the rest of the story? The flood and the ark, the Passover and the Red Sea, the wilderness and the Promised Land, exile and return, war and peace, kingdom and kings, prophets and priests, the temple, its sacrifices; All these stories point to “the rest of the story.”

Great Endings

Throughout the Old Testament, Christ was patterned, promised, and present. The “I Am” in whom Abraham rejoiced was Jesus (John 8:56-58). The Lord who motivated Moses was Christ (Hebrews 11:26). The Redeemer who brought them out of Egypt was Jesus (Jude 5). The Rock in the wilderness was Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4). The King of Isaiah’s temple vision was the Son (John 12:40-41). Then behold, God sent Jesus to dwell amongst us as we read in the New Testament Gospels.

Throughout Jesus’ life He taught and performed miracles so we would yearn for the rest of the story. Then when the hour of his death came and they placed His body in a grave, and on the third day rose again; the rest of the story involves what that sacrifice means for you and me. The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to die for us. It also tells us that God’s plan from the very beginning was to be close to people, but that sin separated us from God and made necessary Jesus’ death on the cross.

Greater New Beginnings

Jesus ordered His followers to share the message of His salvation with everyone in the world, to give every human being the opportunity to have a relationship with God through Him. Now it is up to us to tell the rest of the story of Jesus to everyone who will listen. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. We receive God’s free gift of eternal life through His precious Grace, by believing Jesus is who He says He is through His precious Word, and by our Faith in the sinless Son of God who died on the cross for our sins to grant us eternity with Him. “And now you know… the rest of the story.”

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Nothing to Lose

Nothing is going right, but on the other hand, maybe I have nothing to lose! Who would ever try to write a devotion about “not anything”? Some advice I once heard is, “When you have zilch to write about, write about nothin.” So why not give it a try? Now some of you friendly hecklers might say, “well you have been writing about nuttin for months!” Maybe true, but not about “nothing” in every sense of the word, so I just as well start at the beginning.

In The Beginning

If you think about it, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Out of what? Not a thing. Nothin is all there was before the world began (Genesis 1:2). In fact, Martin Luther is quoted as saying, “God created the world out of nothing and as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us.” “Nothing,” is made reference to or mentioned quite often in the Bible. Not a thing discouraged Noah from building the arc. Nuttin could get in the way of Moses. Joshua made walls crumble into nothin. Not anything was too big for David. Satan said, “does Job fear God for nothing?” (Job 1:9).

We continue with the great wisdom of the Apostle Paul when he told the Philippians to “do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,” and “be anxious for nothing,” (Philippians 2:3, 4:6). The prophet Jeremiah repents to the Lord on behalf of the Jewish nation “Correct me, O Lord, but with justice; Not with Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing.” (Jeremiah 10:24). We are reminded of our own sins from this next verse, as Solomon adds in Ecclesiastes that we must not walk in darkness, but follow God’s light, our sins are the same now as they have been throughout time “So there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). These burdens can include the desire to gather earthly possessions and the warning in 1 Timothy 6:7 “for we have brought not a thing into the world, and it is certain we cannot carry not one thing out.”

With God We Have “Everything”

There are times when we doubt as Simon answered and said, “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing,” (Luke 5:5).  We must ask for forgiveness and repent, “For I know that nothing good dwells in me” (Romans 7:18). And ultimately, we know we can ask God for help, “For nothing will be impossible with God,” (Luke 1:37). We need to fear nothin but sin, and desire nothing but God. We must fully depend on Jesus, without Him we have not anything, but with Him we have everything. Our promise of salvation is given to us and “neither height nor depth, or nothing else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord,” (Romans 8:39).

Dear Lord, help me when I feel like nothing is going my way. With your continuous presence, there will be not one thing that I cannot overcome. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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First Class

Special Treatment

A few months ago, we were on our way home from Nashville and arrived in the airport early enough to see people boarding a flight to Denver. Which was our destination in two hours. So, we asked if we could switch flights if they had room. With the grace and hard work of the airline attendee, we got on board with just seconds to spare. However, it just so happened that the only two seats left were in first class.

We sat down in the large seats and felt happy to be able to get to our destination earlier than planned. I felt an uneasiness in the air; we were being stared at for being the last ones to board sitting where the first to board belong, it felt we were out of place, and a stewardess was quick to point that out. We didn’t pay for first-class… but there we were, plane backing away from the terminal. We were wondering why they allowed us on and if they were going to hand us a parachute.

After liftoff, I watched the attendant giving the first-class travelers special food, drinks, and constant attention for any comfort need. The coach passengers did not get this attention. Even though anyone can pay more for a ticket and sit here, the message was clear, this area was for the elite. It didn’t seem to matter that it came with a higher priced ticket.

I Don’t Belong Here

I glanced back in the coach seating where we normally sit and felt that is where I belonged. Can this feeling happen in our spiritual journey? Do we look across the aisle and feel like we do not belong?  We have all experienced a sense of not belonging, missing out, being on the outside looking in. Whether it is the first day in a new school, the first day of a new job, or going someplace where you don’t know anyone. Ultimately, I think we can agree, it is no fun. None of us like to be left-out, none of us enjoy being excluded, none of us like feeling we don’t belong.

Equal in God’s Eyes

In Ephesians 2:19 the Apostle Paul tells his listeners, “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.” Those who have come to Christ are no longer strangers, you are not going to be left out. The fear of “not belonging” is diminished with the knowledge that God has given you everything. And now, knowing that you are once and for all included, inside the family; inside the promises; inside the dearly loved prized possession of God’s grace, it frees us from that nagging sensation that we might be left out.

It motivates us to give thanks for what is first class in the eyes of God and what is not. Through the eyes of God, we are all equal, we are all on the same flight, same destination, to spend eternal life with our Lord and Savior.

Lord, thank you for giving us all first class seats. Help me keep my eyes fixed on my eternal flight plan. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Lunch Box

Impatiently Waiting

Have you ever packed a lunch and just couldn’t wait to delve into it? I related to that the other day as my granddaughters helped pack a lunch for a combine ride. They couldn’t wait till lunch time to dig into it, in fact I barely got the machine started. I chuckled as I have done the same thing many times and then rummaged through an empty cooler at noon. Why didn’t I wait! I might be hard pressed to think this is hereditary, but on the other hand; I have trouble waiting for a traffic light to change, waiting in a checkout line, or waiting for my phone to send a text message. In our fast-paced world, waiting becomes an irritating inconvenience.

Wait For The Lord

Do I have this same impatient nature when waiting for God? How often do we ask God for something and expect a rapid reply? Sometimes the desires of our heart take time. We know God is working in our life even though He appears to be silent, but we yearn for visible results. Waiting sometimes become one of God’s favorite tools to get our attention, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord,” Psalm 27:14.

Paging through the Bible we can recall many instances where waiting and patience endured. Noah waited for rain. Sarah waited to be with child. Joseph waited in prison. Moses waited in the wilderness. Daniel, Job, Paul, I could go on, but I can’t seem to wait two more hours to eat my lunch or wait a few extra minutes in line. How do you handle waiting? We wait for the Lord to help us through a difficult circumstance and our faith is often tested in those long and painful moments in our life when patient endurance is called upon – as we trustingly wait for the Lord to act.

In Him I Trust

We humbly pray and wait, questioning if we will be strong enough to accept the answer we get or when the answer might come. However, “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope”, Psalms 130:5. When we take God at His Word and trust Him unquestioningly, despite our inpatient nature during stressful circumstances, it beckons us to be comforted by His presence and thus enabled from within to wait for Him. I’m not saying I won’t still eat my lunch before due time, but hopefully when I do, it will remind me of the small lessons given to me along the way that spiritual maturity is in the ability to wait. God has plans in store for us and we can place our trust in him for the endurance we need to WAIT, on the LORD.

Dear God, thank you for your endless patience with me especially during my impatient moments. I long to trust You with my whole life, in the doing and in the waiting. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Part of God’s Creation

One nice thing about living in a rural area is being able to enjoy God’s creation amidst the vast plains and endless blue sky… Fresh air, lots of sunshine, and abundant serenity. Whether you are hiking, golfing, going to the lake, or just enjoy working outdoors, urban life is far removed. But alas, that which glitters is not always gold. Where did all these mosquitoes, gnats, and oh those dreadful ticks come from? Outdoor activity has been compromised! I swat and I spray, and I don’t understand why God created these pesky bugs.

Everything for a Reason

I’m sure I am not alone when it comes to figuring out how anything “good” can come from mosquitos, ticks or gnats. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding,” Proverbs 3:5. God sees more than we can see. He knows more than we know. Even these annoying insects are part of the wonderful balance which keeps all living things strong, vibrant and sustainable. God works in ways beyond our comprehension (Isaiah 55:8-11). Knowing God’s ways is something we often try to figure out. But isn’t that what we often tend to do?

We have to know why. Why, Why, Why! We try to place reason to everything that we encounter. Why did an illness, accident, unemployment or financial problems arise? Why do we have bugs? The answer to our whys may be obvious now, or they may never be answered in our lifetime. But even if we knew why, it’s likely we wouldn’t be satisfied with the answers anyway. We ask God why; believing the answer will provide us with some kind of deep soul satisfaction. But too often, we don’t get the answer we want.

Because God Said So

We look through Scripture and find that God is often asked “Why?”: Moses asked, “Why have you dealt ill with your servant?” Numbers 11:11; David asked, “Oh Lord why do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” Psalm 10:1; Job asked, “Why have you made me your target?” Job 7:20; The disciples asked, “Why was this man born blind?” John 9:2; Jesus on the cross asked God “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46. In every case, God either answered them directly, reminding them that He was in control, or the person asking the question later recognized it on their own and was able to see how God was working in their suffering and struggles and that God had a bigger plan in place.

God’s plan is not always what our heart wants. We want to understand right now why this has happened or why we have biting bugs. Wanting to know the reason for it. We want to know what good will come of it. But Scripture continually reminds us that God is God and we are not. He has a plan that we cannot see.

Dear Lord, forgive me for questioning your eternal plan. Lead me to trust in Your goodness and mercy, knowing You have good things in store for my life. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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A Better Place


As I sit in my office, I enjoy the view I have through the window by my desk. The combination of blue sky, striking junipers and a magnificent hackberry tree that is especially gratifying when a breeze is giving it motion and fluffy clouds are passing by. My serenity is soon broken by a bang on the window. A robin thought it could fly into my office and was rejected by the glass. It recovers and soon tries again.

This continues over and over, hour after hour; day after day. My widow is now quite smeared, and I start to wonder if that robin might possibly taste like chicken. In my confusion as to why this is happening, I decided to go out and look at the window from the outside, what that robin might be seeing. To my surprise, I could not see what was inside my office, what I saw was a reflection of that blue sky and trees that I enjoy looking at. That Robin did not want inside my office, it wanted to go to that beautiful place; a better place.

Looking For A Better Place

Do we fall into the temptation of trying to go someplace our mind tells us is better? Maybe something better than what we have? It is easy to fall into this trap; happier relationships, more money, a nicer home, less health problems. Sometimes we believe that something better will come along in our life, and that can infect our way of thinking. We are rarely satisfied, in a society that tells us we don’t “have” enough things. We somehow think greater happiness is just around the corner… somewhere else. So, we keep banging into the window of reality. Our mind tells us it is within reach, but we cannot physically get there.

Thankful For What I Have

Like that Robin, we need to learn to be content with what we have. God has been showing me that when I constantly want more than He has given me, it reflects a heart that is discontent. It’s like I’m telling God, “I’m not satisfied with what You have provided for me. I want more.” The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:11b “…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” He sat in prison, persecuted by those that hated him, he had nothing, yet he teaches us in the following verses that contentment lies in being thankful for what God has provided whether we like it or not. That’s because peace is found in the presence of God and our attitude toward His provision in the midst of our stress.

By expressing gratitude, Paul experienced richness of being, not having. However, being thankful doesn’t mean that God will eventually remove us from our situation. He may; He may not. Rather, being appreciative sets us free from the desire to have… and lets us rest in the riches of contentment. And when we reach a place of contentment, we don’t need a better place like that Robin might have seen in the window. God becomes our greatest treasure. In Him, we have everything we need.

Dear Lord, I’m grateful for what You have provided for me. Fill me with Your peace so that I may be truly content in Your blessings. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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God’s Work all Around Us

Springtime work can be stressful on the farm with many activities coming to fruition at the same time and it is easy for me to get mesmerized with tasks at hand. All the while I am fretting about prioritizing my schedule, God is busy regenerating new life all around me. Flowers appearing, wheat fields greening up, songbirds making nests, baby calves or sheep or even a baby camel frolicking around, fresh rain falling from majestic clouds. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands,” (Psalms 19:1b).

I was going about work as usual, taking the work of God’s hands for granted… until this new project evolved. Now you just never know what lies ahead in the “first time” category on our farm; this time it was the experience of incubating chicken eggs. Watching this process of keeping the eggs at a precise temperature, humidity, turning daily, and waiting…wondering how everything necessary for the life of a baby chick could be compacted in that small egg. Finally watching the baby chicks peck their way out into the world, emerging flawlessly, made me at that moment realize how many miracles take place all around me every day.

God Provides for all His Works

I took the time to ponder and look around me, witnessing God’s provision to life in plants, animals, or birds. I was reaffirmed that He will provide for you and me as well. “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26). Jesus teaches us to look upon creation and listen as it declares to us the nature of God. We can look at the crops in the field and know of God’s unwavering faithfulness for us.

We can look at the birds and never wonder if we will get our next meal. Nature declares to us that God has and will provide for us all of our days. It also tells us not to worry because God is both powerful and near. Nature tells us that God is creative, practical, brilliant, loving, and full of mystery and wonder. Taking the time now to watch God’s miracles all around me I can hear His voice loud and clear as well.

Listen For His Voice

Whether you live in the city or country, look upon God’s creation and listen for his voice. Ask Him what He wants you to know as you see all the wonders of His hands. Let the beauty and mystery of all of God’s creation fill you with a deeper longing to know your heavenly Father. Listen to God today and allow your heart to be stirred as you discover his unwavering desire to speak to you through his creation; I know God spoke to me through that tiny little chick.

Dear Lord, help me to use your beautiful creation that surrounds me to be a constant reminder of all that You provide for me, for this life and life everlasting. Amen.

Peace, Love and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Tension at the Wheel

When I was driving home the other night, the fog set in. Then it got thicker. High beams then low beams, trying to choose the optimum illumination to see where I was going. Is there a vehicle in front of me? I cannot tell. I tense up, grip the steering wheel tighter, and try to concentrate on staying in the road. Dense fog gives me an eerie, somewhat depressing feeling of not knowing where I am or what lies ahead. When I cannot see clearly, I can feel my heart beat faster.

Seeking God’s Protection

I am afraid! I seek God’s help, “Dear Lord, I cannot see so please guide my steering wheel and protect me from harm.” Would I have sincerely talked with God at this moment if the fog was not present? Probably not…foggy nights tend to produce deeper faith. It is the times when our faith hits “patchy fog” when we seek God’s comfort. Jesus offers us reassurance in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you; I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

We are well aware of the global pandemic threatening our health and daily lives the last few weeks. We are forced to change our lifestyle and where we go, how we have to act. Yes indeed, we are caught between cautious wisdom and anxious fear. Jesus tells us in this verse, I give peace right in the midst of trouble, right in the midst of distress and turmoil and heartache and pressure. I can impart peace to your heart right there, and not as the world gives. Why? Because we can return to that basic relationship we have–You in Me, and I in you. 

Finding Solace in the “Fog”

Out of that comes the guarantee that He is working out His purposes. He will bring us to the end of the trouble. Just like driving in dense fog, we cannot see what trouble lies ahead. Sooner or later this fog will lift, and we will once again not feel threatened. Give this some thought; Do you talk with God more when you are afraid? Do you apply more of your time with loved ones in threatening times? Are you showing more love now to those in need? We are brought closer to God when the fog in our lives gets thicker.

Maybe during this trying time, more people will see a need to place their trust in the Lord. It just could be this is a chance to open the doors of Christianity to those that do not know the love and promise given to them through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe this is a time when we can find new ways to serve and praise our God. As this fog gets thicker, let’s use this fear to put our trust in the Son, the Son that will clear the fog away; Jesus Christ.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit,” Romans 15:13, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Junk Drawer

Why do I Need That Junk

I have a drawer that has a lot of…. Junk. I have old cell phones, charging cords, old batteries, paper clips, a ball of string, golf balls, old cd’s, coins, sticky notes, and a bucket full of other things that I apparently want to keep. Do you have a junk drawer? It’s the place where we leave items because it’s easier to throw something in a drawer than it is to put in its proper place. It is the place where we put something when we don’t know where else to put it. Yes it’s a place where we hide stuff because we like to appear neat and orderly on the outside.

So, what’s the big deal? Aren’t we all entitled to a place where we allow ourselves to collect clutter? Shouldn’t there be a place where we have the freedom to toss things we don’t want to deal with, get rid of, leave totally unorganized, or maybe even hide things in? Maybe if we leave something in the junk drawer long enough, we will forget about it completely.

The Same Drawer, My Life

Hmm, is this what I do with the “Junk” in my life? I put that junk in a drawer and close it. Then it is hidden… I look clean and orderly on the outside… I can forget about it. The Galatians had a spiritual junk drawer and the Apostle Paul warned them in chapter 5, verses 19-21, “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Heart Cleaning

What is in the junk drawer of your heart? Are you ashamed to open it up? Sins you know and those you do not know are conveniently placed in this drawer and closed. We open the drawer and find that the junk is still there, most of it forgotten about. Jesus is there to help with the junk in our hearts. He can help us with all those things we’ve acquired over time that are stuffed in the depths of our souls that we can’t let go of, don’t know what to do with, are never going to throw away; we are just holding on to. How about we start cleaning out this spiritual junk drawer? Let’s toss those things we have been hiding.

Don’t be afraid. God already knows what’s in your heart and He is waiting to help you sort your way through it. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Indeed, then as we kneel before God and confess these sins, we know we are forgiven by the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross. God willingly takes this junk we have been collecting.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Fake Fruit

It Looks Real

In the center of our kitchen table there is a dish that contains lush grapes, ripe strawberries, bright yellow bananas, and apples that look as if they were picked from the tree yesterday. As I gaze at this fruit it makes my mouth water at the thought of taking a bite. This must have been the same thought process as one of our grandchildren! There in the midst of that delicious fruit, I see a strawberry with a bite out of it. The half of the strawberry remaining reveals that it was an imitation. My mouth was no longer watering as I stare at this piece of Styrofoam that once was brilliantly decorated to look like a strawberry.

Fake Fruit

What looked like fresh fruit, turned out to be fake fruit! Fake fruit looks so real though! How can I tell the difference, especially when there is not a bite taken out? Matthew 7:16 explains how to recognize the fruit within us, “You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?” When talking about “our” fruit; Fake fruit is produced by man, real fruit is produced by God; This Fake fruit is not genuine, real fruit is genuine; Fake fruit has no benefits, real fruit has a lot of benefits.

Sometimes we try to “fake it until we make it!” We act like we are loving, faithful, gentle and kind. God knows the fake fruit from the real fruit, “Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” Matthew 23:28. How do we grow REAL fruit? God plants the seed of His Word in our hearts. The Holy Spirit causes that seed to take root in our soul. Next, as we grow in the Lord, the vine and branches mature until sweet and satisfying fruit clusters in abundance. This genuine fruit comes from abiding in the Vine “No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” John 15:4.

We Must Produce Good Fruit

The simple truth is, God is not pleased in a fruit tree that does not grow fruit… by not growing in faith through His Word. God made us, to be people of growth and action. It is His desire that we constantly seek to mature in our faith and using our faith to ignite those around us. Using our real fruit to become a servant at Church, share our faith in the community, or bring a meal to a shut-in or a couple that just had a baby. Whatever fruit we use, we must do it with the same love that God has shown us as the Apostle Paul tells us, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23) This we can do through God’s Word and prayer. 

Lord, cleanse the fake fruit from my heart and send Your Spiritual water to the roots deep within my soul through Your Word. Nourish the branches of my faith so abundant fruit abounds. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Elbow Grease

Hard Work

Cleaning is never fun, especially if it is the grille, a chrome bumper, or any stubborn stain. I don’t have to look very hard to find something that needs cleaned. What cleaner should I use to get the job done? If you could ask your Grandmother what she might have used, she quite possibly would say “elbow grease.” As I look in the cleaning product isle at the local marketplace, I can find more than one brand of cleaner for almost every tough cleaning job, but I can’t find elbow grease. Most of you have heard of this expression before, but those that haven’t, it is a humorous figure of speech for indicating that the only thing required is hard work, AKA; manual labor.

Elbow Grease on My Stains

As I thought of this idiom, I wondered how that might apply to my daily trials and tribulations. Am I using enough elbow grease to get through all my anxieties, shortcomings, or desires? Do I need to work harder, study more, or make more money? The Apostle Paul addresses this in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.” What is truly a good, acceptable, and perfect use of my life? How do I recognize when I am conforming to the world for my own purpose?

I often get in God’s way by trying to take control of my problems, not asking God for help! Numerous times in the Bible we see the words “The Lord is my strength.” God dwelling within us is our elbow grease, giving us the strength we need to do His will. When the stains in our lives grow thicker and tougher, we must use His elbow grease that is within us. Some of the stains in our lives we feel may be easy to clean up, but others are not; they can cause us to become angry, depressed, or scared. We often seek an alternate cleaner that will clear our stain other than asking God for help.

God Has The Answer

The Lord that is inside you and me is the elbow grease needed to get the stubborn stains off of our souls, out of our minds, and away from the worldly patterns tugging at us from every direction. Trusting that God is guiding our path “Thy Word Is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105) and always beside me “I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me” (Psalm 16:8) gives us the assurance that we are not alone. God is waiting for us to ask for help, and we can do that through prayer.  

Dear Lord, forgive me when I get self-centered in my own guilt. Use your cleansing power within me to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Help me to shine with the love you have given me, inside and out. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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Mission Field

Where Am I Going?

Have you ever been in the Mission field?  For most of us, when we hear “mission field,” we think of traveling to a distant land where an unfamiliar language is spoken in a culture dramatically different from our own. In the traditional sense, that is true. But have you ever considered that the mission field might be down the street, or just outside your workspace? We see more and more an America with dwindling spiritual fire and growing materialism, secularism, humanism, and sexual immorality. It seems our country is losing the strong Christian influence that was established decades ago, to numerous pagan movements. But what can we do?

What Shall I Do?

Jesus told His disciples, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15). That seems like a pretty tall task, we fear getting slandered, laughed at, and ridiculed. Hmm, that sounds just like what the disciples experienced. However, this can make some of us cautious about verbally expressing God’s message to others. How about if I explain how to proclaim the Gospel without saying a word?

I go to a lot of meetings, and we are in public places more than we used to be, in and out of airports, truck stops, and tourist attractions. One of the favorite attires of my beloved traveling companion is a shirt that boldly says something about loving Jesus or that Jesus loves them, or something similar in a Bible passage. She loves evangelizing this way and I am amazed at how many strangers will approach her and comment on her shirt. It might only be one person in a hundred that stop and comment. However, how many people read her shirt and did not comment? A quote I once read states “You might be the only Bible that some people will ever read!” But you do not have to wear a printed message to silently witness just down the street or in your workplace.

Your Mission Field

You can be a witness for Christ by the way you live your life, by the words you use, and by what you do. Jesus told His followers, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden” (John 5:14). He also said, “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).Our appearance, words, and actions do speak volumes to others about our dedication to serving Christ and thus the Gospel will be displayed.

There is a sign as you leave the church parking lot that says, “You are now entering the Mission Field”. This is fitting because when Jesus made the command we commonly refer to as the Great Commission. Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).  He includes our neighbor down the street and everyone around us, no matter where we are.

Lord be a lamp unto my feet as I enter the mission field so I can proclaim the Gospel to everyone, with or without saying a word. Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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How Do They Do That?

When I was growing up, I had an Uncle that could pull a quarter out of my ear. Yes, that was quite amazing, especially when I got to keep the quarter. I also remember going to magic shows where rabbits were pulled out of hats, doves appear from nowhere, countless card tricks, and witnessing items disappear before my eyes. It was magic to the young mind, or was it miracles? The true definition of “magic,” is “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.” I am sure that is why some people that perform this stage show act like to be called “illusionists.”

Magic or Miracle

The other kind of magic is what some might call “real” magic; it draws on occult, demonic power as some might see in an Ouija board or voodoo doll. The Bible speaks of this type of magic in 2 Thessalonians 2:9The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders.” One might scrutinize then, like a young child at a magic show; what is the difference between magic and miracles?

Pharaoh probably was trying to figure this out when Moses and Aaron were pleading with him to let their people go. Pharaoh’s magicians (Exodus 7:11,22) were able to duplicate the miraculous plagues of a staff becoming a snake (Ex 7:10-12), mass production of frogs (Ex 8:7), and duplicating the changing of water into blood (Ex 7:22). However, these magicians were powerless to mimic the other plagues and reported to Pharaoh that these miracles from God prevailed (Ex 8:19).

Miracles And Jesus

Miracles and magic sometimes look the same, but their goals are different. Magic and illusion distract the eye from reality, while miracles draw the eye to reality. Miracles reveal; magic hides. Miracles are an expression of creative power; magic uses what already exists. Miracles are a gift; magic is a studied skill. Miracles do not glorify men; magic seeks to be noticed and bring glory to the magician. Jesus was not a magician. He was the Son of God, known for His many miracles (John 7:31). Jesus told His enemies, “Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father” (John 10:37-38).

Jesus’ miracles (or “signs,” as John called them) are proof of who He is, the true Son of God. Through these miracles, Jesus built up the faith of those who believed in Him. By keeping our eyes on the cross, it is easy to discern the difference between magic and miracles. Can we still see miracles today? Yes and we need to thank God for all the blessings he has given us. Looking for a particular miracle?

Ask God through prayer, Ephesians 3:20-21Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Peace, Love, and Unity

Phil Bamesberger Home

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