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Sit up Straight

I remember when I was growing up, I was always told to “sit up straight.” This happened when I was at the kitchen table, at school, or sitting down to watch TV. I’m sure some of you can relate when you were told to correct your posture. Yes, good posture is important for us and medical research proves it, especially as we get older. However, I recall being irritated when I would hear the reminder by my parents or teacher, especially when I thought I was sitting up straight. Good posture is frequently neglected no matter how old we are. It still would be beneficial if we all were reminded to, “sit up straight.” 

So, as you are reading this, what is your posture? Are you slouched over? Did you just straighten up now that I brought this to your attention? (I didn’t think so). I find myself at my desk behind a computer screen more often nowadays and by the end of the day my body hurts because of my lack of proper posture. We are all guilty of poor posture and adapting habits of good posture takes an intentional effort. 

Spiritual Posture

The same thing happens in our spiritual lives. We let a health issue make our heart slouch. Politics might make our mind slump. We let anger make our faith hunch over. Our spiritual posture can be good one minute and before you know it, God is saying “sit up straight.” He assures us through the Psalmist in 84:11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” God loves us and will protect us, bestowing his unending Grace on us every day as long as we “sit up straight.” Keeping our spiritual posture is paramount in our daily lives. 

When we straighten up, pull our shoulders back, stand tall, and remain in His presence, we will walk uprightly. However, just like our physical posture, it takes intentional effort. To maintain good spiritual posture, we need to stay in His Word, talk to God in prayer, serve Him in worship, and love our neighbor as ourselves. But yet, all too often, our response, our posture towards God if you will, is to lean away from Him. No time to pray, to pause, to listen. No time to read His Word or digest it, but plenty of time to succumb to worldly pleasures. 

Keep Working At It

Once again, it takes intentional effort on our part to seek good posture and the help from God to remain that way. With His help we can maintain the needed humility to stay close to Him, staying within the realm of what is right in His sight! By seeking His help, seeking His guidance and strength, seeking to walk in harmony with His Word, then our spiritual posture will endure throughout eternity with Him.

Dear Lord, remind me daily to “sit up straight” and give me the endurance to remain upright. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Peace, Love, and Unity

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